Computing Science Courses

以下是计算机科学课程的综合列表. 最 up-to-date information about 的 Computing Science courses can always be found in 的 杰克逊维尔大学 academic catalog​.

CS102 Introduction to Computational Thinking (2; F) 本课程介绍 students to 的 computer science profession and how it affects our society, common computer science related industry practices/processes, 以及杰克逊维尔大学计算机科学和网络安全课程. 后 learning about design thinking and computational thinking process, students will work in teams to apply design thinking and computational fundamentals to define and solve 问题.  This is a project-based course.  学生 with computer science experience 获校务主任批准豁免修习此课程.

CS 150. Personal Productivity Using 技术 (3; F, S) 每周三小时. 学生将学习提高他们的个人生产力 and problem solving skills using end-user tools including word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and Internet tools. Satisfies 的 University Core Curriculum 技术 要求.

CS-155 Foundations of Computer Science (3; F) Principles and 应用程序 of computer hardware, 系统 software and computer networking will be explored. 本实用课程将包括安装、配置、 maintenance, upgrades and operations experiences.

CS 158. Fundamentals of programming  (4; F,S) 每周4小时. 这门课 may not be taken for credit after credit has been earned in CS 160. 成功的系统开发所需的基本策略. Topics include algorithm and program development using modularization, selection, sequence and iteration constructs.

CS160. 应用程序 发展 II (4; F, S) 每周4小时. 先决条件:cs158最低等级为“C”或同意 一个计算机科学系的教员. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.延续 of CS 158 to include designing and analyzing solutions, testing and debugging, and 文档. 主题包括集合、文件处理、创建和测试类, encapsulation, and inheritance.

CS 199. Introduction to Special Topics in Computing Science (var. 1-4) 这门课 may be offered on demand. Covering predetermined introductory special topics of student interest and computing science information 系统 significance.

CS 260. Object-Oriented Programming (4; F, S) 每周4小时. 前提条件:CS155和CS155或同意的CS教师 成员. CS 158的延续,包括更高级的主题. 本课程介绍 面向对象(OO)编程的原则和实践. 主题包括指针、 结构化数据,创建和测试类,封装和继承. 的 concepts are utilized in project-based tasks.

CS 300. 高级编程 (3)每周3小时. 前提条件:cs160. May be repeated once for credit when 题材变更. Special topics in programming.

CS 305. Human Computer Interaction (3)每周3小时. 前提条件:cs160. Basic principles, procedures, and models of human computer interaction 讨论了 and applied through development 各种原型. 人机交互的可用性工程与研究 也有地址.

CS 307. Python编程(3) 每周三小时. 没有先决条件. 本课程的重点是 development of practical Python编程技能通过基于项目的应用. 本课程讨论 powerful features of 的 Python programming language itself, which allow students 以其他语言中没有的方式快速方便地操作数据. 应用程序 of modules to solve domain-specific challenges, such as in scientific computation, 数据可视化和分析,应用程序开发和机器学习.

CS 330. 网络 & 无线通信 (3; F) 每周三小时. 先决条件: CS 155 and CS 158. 本课程介绍 数据通信和计算机网络的基础知识. 主题包括本地 area and wide area networks; circuit and packet switching; Internet routing; IPv4 and IPv6 addressing; network interconnection with routers and switches; datagram encapsulation and fragmentation; UDP and TCP; 的 domain name system (DNS); wireless networks; and 应用程序 layer protocols such as HTTP and SMTP; packet analysis.

CS 340. 数据结构 (4; S) 每周4小时. 先决条件: CS-160 or CS-170; with a minimum grade C - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
数学-150 -必须在本课程之前或同时修习. 先决条件 or co-requisite: MATH 150. 本课程的重点是 object oriented methodologies. 强调 will be on algorithm analysis and construction and 应用程序 of abstract data types such as lists, stacks, 队列和树.

CS 341. Introduction to Cybersecurity (3; F) 每周三小时. 前提条件:cs160. 概述 of cybersecurity topics, including malware, rough Wi-Fi, phishing, spyware, firewalls, identification and authorization, penetration testing, software security, intrusion detection, wireless and mobile security.

CS 342. 数据结构 (3, S) 每周三小时. 前提条件:cs260. 本课程的重点是 algorithm analysis and construction and 应用程序 of abstract data types such as lists, stacks, 队列和树. 算法设计与分析的研究,包括贪心算法; divide and conquer, dynamic programming. Some advanced data structures and algorithms 介绍了. 有一个强调验证和分析的时间和 空间复杂度.

c345 si. 网络安全 (3; S) 每周三小时. 先决条件: CS 301 and CS 330. 主题包括路由器 and switch architecture, firewall, host security, au的ntication, cryptography, email security, denial of service attack. Wireless and mobile security topics are also covered. 本课程以演讲为主,并教导演讲策略.

CS 350. Architecture and Organization (3; F) 每周三小时. 先决条件:cs160. 这门课 is a two-part course. 的 hardware portion covers fundamental digital circuits, processor design, and related 主题最终在创建一个简单的数字电路项目. 软件部分 涵盖汇编语言,包括宏、链接和加载. 其他主题包括 input/output facilities, multiprogramming, multiprocessing and real time programming.

cs352游戏开发 (3,) 先决条件: MART 261. 本课程探讨游戏设计的核心过程, from ideation and structured brainstorming through 的 examination of industry standard 记录和管理设计过程的过程和技术. 这门课 specifically develops techniques for creating in a game development-specific context, and for world and character design. Specific emphasis is placed on 的 ethical and 与交互软件的设计和开发相关的文化问题 个人在团队导向设计方法论中的角色.  

CS 355. 编程语言 (3)每周3小时. 前提条件:cs340. Formal definition 的语言, including 语法和语义. A comparative study of major programming languages. 全局属性 的语言. Effective programming design techniques.

CS 360. 数据库设计 & 发展 (3; F) 每周三小时. 前提条件:cs260. 这门课 presents database design 以及处理概念. 主题将包括数据建模、数据库处理、SQL、 security, recovery, and concurrent access. Extensive work in implementing solutions 是必需的.

CS 362. 系统管理 (3; F) 每周三小时. 先决条件: CS 301 and CS 303. 技术知识 and practical experience in managing computer 系统 running various operating 系统. Topics covered include installation, configuration, updates, and troubleshooting of hardware and software components, adding users, groups and roles to 的 system, maintaining network to ensure that it is secure and operating properly, analyzing network to track performance and boost speed and efficiency.

CS 377. Social Issues and Professional Practice (3; ) 每周三小时. 先决条件: Junior standing. 本课程旨在 to enable students to understand and to respond to 的 legal and ethical issues that arise from 的 utilization of information technology. 学生将 explore ethical and social issues arising from 的 computerization of industry and government, with emphasis on copyright, security, and privacy issues.

CS 380. 网络编程 (3; S) 每周三小时. 先决条件s: CS 158 and CS 330. 在这门课程中,学生 will plan, implement, design, and develop client-side web-based projects using HTML5, CSS和JavaScript. 主题包括使用多媒体,表格,响应式设计, jQuery, AJAX. Exposure to web development frameworks.

CS 382. 算法 (3, F) 每周三小时. 先决条件:CS260. A detailed study of algorithm design and analysis, including greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking, and branch and bound. 一些高级数据结构和并行分布 programming 介绍了. 有一个重点是验证和分析 of time and 空间复杂度.

CS 392. Data Driven Web 应用程序 发展 (3; S) 每周三小时. 先决条件: CS360 and CS380. 本课程的重点是 server-side web development, database connection and operations through web 应用程序. 学生 learn to employ a server-side programming language and use SQL commands to 开发考虑安全性和部署的数据驱动Web应用程序.

CS 395 si. 软件工程 (4; F) 每周4小时. 先决条件s: CS 360 and CS 376SI. 的生命周期 a software system, including 要求s elicitation, analysis and specifications; design; construction, verifications and validation; deployment; and operation and maintenance will be 的 focus of 的 course. Tools used by practicing software engineers 将用于开发、分析和建模软件工件吗. Practice will be provided for cooperative work within a project team. 这门课 is speech intensive with instruction on presentation strategies.

CS 397. Data Driven Mobile 应用程序 发展 (3; F) 每周三小时. 先决条件: CS360 and CS380. 本课程的重点是 mobile 应用程序 development, connecting and processing data through 的 mobile 应用程序. 学生学习应用移动应用程序的设计、开发和 使用api作为中间件在iOS, Android或Windows上进行开发. 此外,学生 将创建基于移动操作系统的数据驱动项目.  

CS 405. 人工智能 (3)每周3小时. 前提条件:cs340. 本课程介绍 的 basic 智能计算机系统设计的基本思想和技术. 一个特定的 emphasis will be on 的 methodology used to treat knowledge representation, formal logic (classical propositional logic, first order predicate logic, automated 的orem proving), pattern recognition; natural and programming language processing.

CS 414. Penetration Testing and Digital Forensics (3; F) 每周三小时. 先决条件: CS 330 and CS 341. 课程内容包括 渗透测试和数字取证的概念和工具.  它将 包括使用Kali Linux的脚本和工具,以及黑客的道德,扫描 tools, sniffers, network 漏洞, password cracking, spoofing, session hijacking, denial of service attacks, buffer overflows, programming exploits, and web 应用程序 漏洞.  其他主题可能包括介绍研究者的工具,数据 acquisition methods, processing crime and incident scenes, working with Windows and Linux 系统, recovering graphics files, forensic analysis and validation, forensics of virtual machines, networks and emails.  

CS 427. 入侵检测 (3; F) 每周三小时. 先决条件: CS 301 and CS 330. 技术知识, insight, and hands-on training necessary to analyze network traffic for signs of intrusion. 学生将 gain hands-on experience to configure and master open-source tools such 如tcpdump和Wireshark.

CS 440. Special Topics in Computer Science (3)每周3小时. 先决条件: Consent of instructor. 可以重复 credit when topic changes. 选择学生感兴趣和有意义的主题 in 的 field of computing science.

CS 441. 操作系统 (3; F) 每周三小时. 先决条件: Junior Standing. An introduction to operating 系统. 主题包括如何使用操作系统来实现以下功能 如进程管理、内存管理、文件管理和I/O管理. 部分 本课程的主要内容是Linux环境下的shell编程. 还包括 系统实用程序,系统管理和系统安全.

CS 450. 建模与仿真 (3)每周3小时. 先决条件s: CS 245 and MATH 205 or MATH 316. 有关 的oretical and numerical tools are explored for building models of complex physical 现象,并用计算机模拟它们的行为. 学生 learn fundamental concepts and implementation of algorithms in various scientific programming environments. 在整个过程中,强调在科学中的应用.

CS451. 应用数据挖掘 (3)每周3小时. 学生将被介绍应用程序的概述, 构成数据科学和数据挖掘的方法、工具和技术. 学生 will use data mining tools and modules to apply 的 machine learning and data mining 数据集上的算法.  

CS 452. 高级游戏制作 (3). 每周三小时. 前提条件:MART 352. 可以重复 credit. 先进的 development in planning, implementing, and troubleshooting 应用程序s and interfaces for games and interactive media.

CS 455 wi. 项目管理 (3): 每周三小时. 本课程探讨成功的必要因素 项目管理. 项目管理的技术和行为两个方面 讨论了. 主题包括项目管理概念,需求识别,项目管理 software project management, project communications, RFP analysis and proposal development, 项目计划、进度、控制和相关成本. 学生将学习 skills necessary to manage 的ir teams, schedules, risks, and resources to produce 期望的结果.

CS 456. Computing Science Capstone (3; S). 每周三小时. 先决条件: Senior Standing. 学生们会研究 a project from proposals approved by our faculty. 这门课 involves intensive development and enhancement of computer science studies concentration, specifically writing and oral communication for professionalism including: 要求 specification, design 规范,实现规范,故事卡. 包括实现, testing, and deployment of 的 product.

c465 wi. 网络安全实习 (4; S) 每周三小时. 先决条件: CS 427 and senior standing. 学生将 完成一个与网络安全相关的高层次实践项目. 所有的阶段 project will be documented.

CS 490. Computing Science Internship (var. 在商业、工业和政府部门有计算机方面的工作经验. 学生 必须使用应用程序并具有计算机方面的专业知识. 实习工作 要求. CS实习应由全职CS教师监督. 这份工作 描述应与计算科学或网络安全相关. 口头的或书面的 在每次实习结束前需要提交报告.



Computing Science Department


Computing Science Department